Saturday 13 August 2011

Architectural Fiction # 3 'Verticle Farms'

This story was contributed to by 7 students

The global economy is in taters after a triple dip recession.  There are riots in the streets at night and unemployed during the day.  The population looks to the parliament for help...
Parliament decides it needs to address the issues causing th riots, essentially the basic needs of people are not being satisfied...
The population as a whole decide the only way to get back on track would be to become self sufficient where there needs are sourced from their own backyard or locally...
Verticle farming is a widely discussed solution, however, Government has stipulated that these 'verticle farms' still need to be maintained and monitered by a government body...
A central national governing body becomes an irrelevant system for maintaining the chaos.  Structures are broken into council level run systems, with each region being goverend according to its own specific circumstances...
The proposed concept is to form 'trade centres' where services and products are used as a way of survival.  People are encouraged to pick a trade and the government provides structural 'flat packs' for people to assemble.  These flat packs are nicknamed 'BOOMKITS'...
With local governance and communities needing to share skills to build their new farms infrastructure, social awareness and mutal respect strengthens, putting an end to the riots and providing work for most people.

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