Tuesday 16 August 2011

Architectural Fiction # 6 Mobile citys

This fiction was contributed to by 7 students

The banks of the Brisbane RIver are eroding due to the heavy flood waters.  Buildings are crumbling into the river and the iconic bridges of Brisbane are threatening to give way...
Much of the near-river housing has already given way and the government is looking into new super-structures to accomodate for all the victums (who have lost property etc)...
These super structures are a combination of a newly discovered flexible material called 'Flexi-Block', a recyclable foam-like substance that can be moulded into any shape, and wires that provide various services...
While many residents are eager to move into the new flexi-block homes, severaly elderly residents are concerned over the structural integrity of the houses and ask the government for further testing...
It is discovered that the flexi-block do indeed deteriorate when put into contact with soil, and are easily propelled on water.  Thus, Australias first floating suburb is born.  Homes are connected with mooring ropes which carry electricity and water.  Cars become sail boats, bike to kayaks.  BrisVagas has become BrisVenice...
Government decide that they want to test these new structures on the open water, allowing sections of the suburb to break off and while people continue about thier daily life, within a few weeks or months, they will be located (docking) at a new country.  Global discussions begin...
Discussions develop around connectivity and globalisation and wonder wheter being physically connected in this way could raise similar problems seen through social networking. 

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